Reeta Toivanen

Media watchdogs: Countering the mainstream's armour of smugness

Reeta Toivanen summarises the contents of her BA dissertation looking at media watchdogs, their influence on the media - and press's representation of them.



  1. Andrews, A. (2010) BSkyB warning over News Corp inquiry, Sunday Telegraph, 21 November pp 1-2
  2. Andsager, J. L. (2000) How interest groups attempt to shape public opinion with competing news frames, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 77, No. 3 pp 577-592
  3. Bertrand, C.-J. (2000) Media ethics and accountability systems, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers
  4. Bertrand, C.-J. (2003) A predicament and three solutions, Bertrand, C.-J. (ed.) An arsenal for democracy: Media accountability systems, Cresskill, NJ, Hampton Press pp 3-16
  5. Caldas-Coulthard, C. (1994) On reporting reporting: The representation of speech in factual and factional narratives, M. Coulthard (ed.) Advances in written text analysis, London, Routledge pp 295-308
  6. Davis, A. (2002) Public relations democracy: Public relations, politics and the mass media in Britain, Manchester, Manchester University Press
  7. Fairclough, N. (2003) Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research, London, Routledge
  8. Gopsill, T. (2011) Interview with the author on 3 February
  9. Media Lens. (2011) Interview conducted via email by the author on 23 February
  10. Nousratpour, L. (2010) Cable blocks Murdoch's Sky Bid, Morning Star, 5 November
  11. O'Neill, B. (2006) Pressuring the press, Spectator, 4 February pp 47-48
  12. Robinson, J. (2006) To print or not to print, Observer, 8 January p. 11
  13. Thrall, A. T. (2006) The myth of the outside strategy: Mass media coverage of interest groups, Political Communication, Vol. 23, No. 4 pp 407-420
  14. Travis, A. (2003) Derision greets BBC plan to turn asylum into a game, Guardian, 31 May p. 1
  15. Van Leeuwen, T. (1996) The representation of social actors, Caldas-Coulthard, C. R. and Coulthard, M. (eds) Texts and practices: Readings in critical discourse analysis, London, Routledge pp 32-70