Stephan Russ-Mohl
The 'antagonistic partnership' on trial: The relationship between journalists and PR experts - seen under the light of behavioural economics
Behavioural economics has revolutionised economic thinking during the last decades by introducing the irrational behaviour of market participants into existing economic models. However, little of this progress has so far arrived in some of the neighbouring disciplines in social sciences. Media researcher Stephan Russ-Mohl, of the University of Lugano, has been analysing how insights and research results from behavioural economics may be applied to journalism and public relations (PR)
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Note on the contributor
Dr. Stephan Russ-Mohl is professor of journalism and media management at the Università della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano), Switzerland, and the director of the European Journalism Observatory in Lugano. His research interests include the quality of journalism and media management, economic theory of journalism, comparative journalism research and media journalism.